Securite Assurance Logo


We’re here to protect your company from cyber threats and data breaches

Companies are always at risk of cyber attacks or data breaches, regardless of their size. Some companies are targeted because they are small and regarded as vulnerable, whereas big companies are targeted because of the value of their data and the potential ransom that hackers can ask for. No matter what the company size is, we have a protection solution for you. Here's what your policy covers: 

Incident Response

Covers incident response expenses that are reasonable and necessary to pay as a result of an actual or suspected privacy and network security event, network interruption event or cyber extortion event.

Privacy and Network Security liability

Covers all damages and claims expenses that the client becomes legally obligated to pay as a result of any claim arising out of a privacy and network security event.

Privacy Regulatory Defense and Penalties

Covers all privacy regulatory defense and penalties that the client becomes legally obligated to pay as a consequence of a privacy and network security event resulting in a privacy breach or employee privacy breach.

Network Interruption and Loss of Income

Covers loss of business income, restoration expenses and business continuity expenses and during the period of restoration incurred as a consequence of a network interruption event.

Cyber Extortion

Covers Cyber extortion expenses, only where insurable by law, as a consequence of a cyber-extortion event.

For more info please contact your licensed broker or agent, or call us on our 24/7 hotline 1534 or leave your contact details below and we will call you back:

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